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Cam Types

Cams can be classified into the following three types based on their shapes. They are:

Plate or disk cams: Plate or disk cams are the simplest and most common type of cam. A plate cam is illustrated in figure 3

(a). This type of cam is formed on a disk or plate. The radial distance from the center of the disk is varied throughout the circumference of the cam.

Allowing a follower to ride on this outer edge gives the follower a radial motion.Cylindrical or drum cam: A cylindrical or drum cam is illustrated in figure 3

(b). This type of cam is formed on a cylinder. A groove is  cut into the cylinder, with a varying location along the axis of rotation.

Attaching a follower that rides in the groove gives the follower motion along the axis of rotation.Linear cam: A linear cam is illustrated in figure 3

(c). This type of cam is formed on a translated block. A groove is cut into the block with a distance that varies from the plane of translation.

Attaching a follower that rides in the groove gives the follower motion perpendicular to the plane of translation.

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