composites are made up of at least two distinct intended materials which together improved product performance and or lower manufacturing costs. many materials routinely designated by other terms are also considered composites including plated, clad or coated metals. the term composite however has come to mean a material consisting of a matrix soared based material and the reinforcement material the.
matrix functions as a binder for the reinforcement and controls the physical shape and dimensions of the park the primary purpose of the matrix is to transfer the load or stress supplied to the composite to the reinforcement the matrix also protects the reinforcement from adverse environmental effects .
the reinforcements function is to improve the mechanical properties of the composite and is typically the main load bearing element reinforcement is usually in the form of fibers or particles.
there are numerous methods of producing parts from fibre reinforced thermo set polymers with the primary types being manual lay up, automated lay up, spray up, filament winding, pultrusion and resin transfer molding manual layout there's a widely used method of manufacturing a wide range of composite parts and components .
the process begins with cutting the reinforcement material to size this may be performed using knives sizors discounters power shears rotary power cutters saws or lasers well.
mold having the desired part shape is then coated with the release agent to permit subsequent part release composite manufacturing molds are commonly made of steel, aluminum ,nickel copper, polymer matrix composites once coated with the release agent the layer of resin called a gel coat may be applied to the mold and allowed to cure to attack the state as the gel coat cures.
the reinforcement material is prepared for application by impregnation with what resin or matrix material the impregnated reinforcement material is then placed on the coded mold surface and hand rolled for uniform distribution and removal of been trapped there more reinforcement material and resin are applied as needed in this manner until required part thickness has been built up this so called wet lay-up method can be used with nearly all reinforcement materials and is widely used to produce glass reinforced polyester products and sometimes glass reinforced he proxy products.
wet lay-up is also used for making composite molds leo can also be performed using pre preg material use of pre preg eliminate separate handling of the reinforcement and rested pre preg reduces resin consumption and can improve part quality by providing more consistent control of reinforcement and resin contents,however pre preg must be kept in refrigerated storage until you start to prevent free curing.
composites are made up of at least two distinct intended materials up matrix or based material and the reinforcement material the matrix functions as a binder for the reinforcement and controls the physical shape and dimensions of the part.
the primary purpose of the matrix is to transfer the load or stress applied to the composite to the reinforcement the matrix also protects the reinforcement from adverse environmental effects some of the primary matrix materials include polyester, epoxy, bismaleimide, phenolic and polyimide.
the reinforcements function is to improve the mechanical properties of the composite and is typically the main load bearing element reinforcement is usually in the form of fibers or particles some of the most commonly used fibers are E-glass, aramid and carbon which is also referred to as graphite.
these fibers come in many forms including strand fabric three impregnated or pre preg tape and reforms there are numerous methods of producing composite parts with the primary types being manual lay up automated lay-up spray op filament winding pulled through shin and resin transfer molding.
after production composite parts may be allowed to cure it room temperature or with open-air he'd a cyst composite parts are also commonly consolidated and cured in heat platen presses ovens, or autoclaved after curing composite parts can be cut, machine and otherwise fabricated by many of the same methods used for medals additionally composite parts may be joined and assembled using adhesive bonding and mechanical fastening
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